
Codeship.com (October 2014 - July 2015) / Developer. — Instrumentated all critical code, setup logging/tracing and metrics accross frontend and backend systems. Built monitoring dashboards, got exceptions noise under control, and improved reliability in general. Participated in the development of the new Docker-based CI/CD product implemented in Golang. Deployed the initial version on Amazon ECS.

GitHub.com (February 2011 - August 2013) / Developer — Miscelleanous development work on GitHub.com the website. Part of the two-person team that refactored the billing code to upgrade to the new API version of the payment gateway. Helped launch GitHub Enterprise. Paired with a designer to ship the next version of repository graphs and the internal exceptions tracking system. Developed the software behind the internal Continuous Integration system and helped maintain the CI infrastructure alongside the Ops team.

Engine Yard (November 2009 - January 2011) / Developer — Worked on all parts of the Amazon EC2 provisioning and deployment dashboard product, from the frontend app, to the provisioning and configuration systems. Worked with another developer to introduce Continuous Deployment, wrote, deployed, and maintained the internal tools and systems necessary to support the practice.


I enjoy working in environments where moving fast and breaking nothing is the (aspired) norm. I have tremendous amount of admiration for Operations professionals. Altough not my core competency, I do maintain a high interest in topics such as infrastructure automation, logging, metrics, monitoring, alerting, etc. I generaly love building things that make others more productive.

I am used to working in asynchronous and distributed environments and remote work but I am open to on-site (Europe only) positions regardless.